Balancing Mind & Body For Results

Have you ever been in a cycling studio or some intense workout class where some of the attendees just seem to be killing themselves?

Their face tightens up, they are beating the peddles harder than ever and they look like they’re about to burst at any moment? Or perhaps you can admit to being this way at some point and know that feeling personally. 

I’ve noticed a trend with people who are physically really trying to meet their health goals but are finding themselves disappointed with their lack of results. They are physically pushing and trying to fight off the unwanted pounds through sheer force. The tension is so visible in the way they carry themselves, especially in these fitness classes. 

Although I sincerely applaud the sweat dripping, heart pounding effort they put in, I believe we should never lose sight of a minor detail here: our precious mind. 

There is such a powerful connection between our mind and body, but many times we give one more attention than the other.

In this case, these gym pushers are giving their physical body more attention than their mind and it's causing an imbalance of the two. Every cell in our body is in communication with each other. They pick up on cues that are in our subconscious and then cascade those signals throughout our entire body. If you are not allowing your mind to get quiet, calm, and purposeful now and again, your kickass workouts will add more stress to your body- which is the last thing you want to add to your weight loss equation. 

I would encourage a shift in that mindset for getting clear about WHY they are not hitting their goals, what is the true reason for wanting to slim up, do they feel like they are lacking in some area of their life and how are they accepting and loving where their body is right now. This will create clarity and more ease when it comes to following a plan and learning to listen to their body, which can create long term results. 

The opposite of this can easily happen too!

Ever been so wrapped up in your head with a certain thought pattern that you end up creating big stories for yourself? But if you just took some physical action to execute those thoughts, you could probably fix the issue(s)? 

This person might be the one who has read every Women's Health magazine and Self Help book front to back,  knows everything all the diet theories out there, and watches health bloggers on YouTube videos without actually using the advice. This is another imbalance - more mind than body, which can also leave you frustrated about being stuck in the same loop and not seeing results. In this case I would encourage making a clear plan with deadlines, goals, and tasks and checking in regularly until they are done. Having someone hold them accountable might also be a great way to start until they pick up enough momentum and see their physical action make steady progress. 

When we begin to acknowledge both parties and let them work together, we begin to discover magic. 

You can’t sustain one without the other. Both need support and recognition to do their best. 

As you dive into your day today, take notice of where something seems out of balance. Where are you thinking too much and where you are doing too much. What can you adjust to make things just flow better?


Wishing you a beautiful weekend.

In Love, 



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