
Real Food.


Real Support.


Real Results.



Gain Back energy for More Productivity

Improve digestion for a flat Tummy

Lift the fog for a clear mind

Shine with healthy glowing Skin

Feel light and easy before the Holidays Begin

 You can have it all once you discover how your body clicks with the right food.



10 Day Metabolic Makeover 

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Access from Anywhere, Anytime

I won't leave you hanging.


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Q: So what's the plan for the 10 Days?

You will receive 3 (to the point) booklets upon purchase of this program. Your Guide, Recipes, and Journal. The guide walks you through all the info, the process, and your day to day plan. The recipes tell you what and how to make your smoothies and meals. The journal gets your mindset right to keeps you accountable. The 10 Days are split up into 3 Phases: the liquid phase, the reintroduction phase, and the clean eating phase. Basically we start with simple to digest smoothies and soups, then slowly add in solid foods, and spend the last couple days clean eating- easy peasy!

Why should I choose this program?

There’s too much confusing, conflicting information out there about what to eat. I’m ending info overload and making it simple by giving you real tools and encouraging you to eat REAL food, so there are no magic gimmicks. Secondly, you are not just being handed a guide and riding solo here! You, me and all the others joining the program will be going through it together at the same time while holding each other accountable. There will be so much support from me, the private Facebook group and regular check in emails! 

Q: Will I be hungry all the time?

When most people think of a cleanse, they think of drinking juice for 10 Days. NOT MY STYLE! Because my recipes are all filled with fiber and packed with nutrients, most of my clients are surprised by how satisfied they feel! The most challenging part for people is the first 3 days where we drink only liquids in the form of delicious smoothies, shakes and soups. But once you get past the mental hurdles and adjust your metabolism, you will get in touch with your true hunger cues and transition just fine. Our society has become so used to constantly eating around the clock that we are no longer listening to our bodies and letting them clear out. This program is not about starvation or deprivation, counting calories or obsessing over carbs. If you do get hungry, there are extra snack options included!

Q: Will I get bored eating healthy foods and shakes?

It's only 10 Days for YOU. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, you need to develop a healthy lifestyle, which includes the enjoyment of real food. It’s about retraining your taste buds and your metabolism to stop craving processed foods. If you feel bored eating foods that are nourishing to your body, it means you are using food as entertainment. This is why I also include a journal and food diary to help you check in on your relationship with food and help you get familiar with your triggers for eating and to identify when they are real or not!

Q: Is food included?

One day I hope to have exact groceries and produce hand selected and shipped straight to your door, but not this time - sorry! I made sure to use the most simple recipes and instructions to make these 10 days affordable and easy to follow. I have seen programs that require 30 ingredients for each recipe and that just sounds like a headache! Plus your body appreciates simple :)

Q: Do I have to take any additional supplements or pills?

The only supplement I recommend that everyone take daily during the program is a probiotic, and you’ll learn why in this program. Some people consider plant based protein powder a supplement - that will be in the program as well! You can take things up a notch during the 10 Days by taking detoxing herbs and supplements that help the organs clear out excess toxins (my recommendations will be in your emails). 

Q: How will I feel during the program?

At the beginning, your body may go through a “cleansing phase” for a few days to re-balance itself. After that, most people feel absolutely amazing! It is important to listen to your body through this program, and I will be here to support you with that. I will guide you gradually through exactly what can be done to reduce any unwanted symptoms that may show up. This program is completely flexible because we’re here to figure out what works for YOU! 

Q: I already eat super clean; can I still benefit from this program?

Many people who eat very clean diets can still benefit from this program by taking their healthy habits to the next level. Introducing new simple foods gives our digestion time to rest and reset, which can be helpful for anyone regardless of their current eating habits. Since this program is not solely based around food, there is room to discover more about creating new structure and setting intentions for new habits.  

Q: What if I have committed to dinners or celebrations?

Events happen and will continue to happen. The only thing you get to control are the choices you make around them. You can either politely decline to take 10 days off to yourself OR stick to the program the best you can while you are out by following the given guidelines. You will still benefit tremendously!


Any further questions? Happy to help!



Note: This is a clean-eating program designed to teach you the difference between foods that cause inflammation and foods that fuel you. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.